Hello, and welcome back to my blog. As always, I would
like to remind everyone that what I write is just my opinion and if you don’t agree
that’s just fine. Today I want to talk about dating. I think dating has changed
a lot in the last thirty years. My parents have been married for thirty-one
years. They met when my dad was 18 years old and he got a job working for my
grandpa. My mom met him that way and then they started dating and the rest was
history. My oldest sister met her husband in 2007 when they were in high school
and have been dating ever since. My other sister met her boyfriend in 2013 on a
blind date, that was set up by mutual friends. These are “normal” ways of
meeting someone, but I have a lot of friends who met boyfriends/girlfriends on
a dating website. This is what our society has considered to be the new “normal”.
The thing I really do not like about dating websites is that you are deciding
on if you want to go on a date with someone depending on their looks and not based
on anything else. I also think that dating habits have changed over the time
too. I think people are going out on less dates and more “hang outs”. This does
not let the couple have time to spend alone and get to know each other. I have
also noticed that in a group date it can hard sometimes to tell who is supposed
to be with who. I think sometimes people prefer a group date over a one on one
date so that there is not as much pressure of the couple. I have been on my
fair share of group dates and I think they are fine for a first date as long as
you are able to get time to talk and get to know each other a little more. I do
not think every date should be a group date. I think it is important for any
new couple to have alone time together. I have noticed with my friends that when
they go on one date with someone, they try to make a judgment right then on if they
are interested enough in that person to go on another date with. I personally don’t
think you can tell that based off one date. I have a lot of guy friends that do
this, and I always suggest that they go on another date with that person to see
if there was a connection with them or not. They never agree to this because
they feel like it becomes more serious if they go on another date with them.
They feel like they are making a commitment to that person without actually
making any commitment at all. I think this is a problem within the dating world.
People are less likely to go on dates with people because they don’t want to tie
themselves down to one person. I also think that some people believe that they
can’t go one multiple dates with different people. I have a friend that went on
a date with one girl and it went great and then went on a date with someone new
and that date went well too. He was torn because he didn’t know, after one date
with each girl, what girl he should put more effort into. I told him to go on
another date with both of them so that he is better able to get to know both of
them better and once things progress then he can decide what he wants to do. I
think dating has changed in a lot of way and some for the better, but I think
most for the worst. I’m interested to see how dating continues to change as
time goes on.
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