Gender roles in the family


Hello, welcome to my blog. Like I have said before I am sorry if I offend anyone. That is never my intentions. I would also like to remind people that what I write is my opinion and I do not intend for everyone to agree with me. Today I would like to talk about gender roles in families. This is a topic that I think is changing every day.  In the 1950s family you would have a mother, a father, and children. The mother/wife would stay home all day and cook and clean. She would be responsible for taking care of the children’s needs and make sure that by the time her husband arrived home that dinner was ready to go. She was supposed to make sure that her families image stayed positive in the eyes of her community. A woman was supposed to be a caring, hardworking homemaker and obedient wives. They were supposed to depend on their husband to make the money to support their family. The father/husband role was to be the head of the house/sole provider for his family. He was expected to go to work every morning and come home late at night. He had very little time alone with the children. On the weekends he was responsible for taking care of the landscape. He would be waited on hand and foot by his wife. The children would be required to go to school and be well behaved. If they were not that was a poor reflection on the mother. Families were expected to sit down and have dinner together every night. Also, during this time, the divorce rate was very low and looked down upon. If you were a single mother, it was because your husband died in war. Today we definitely do not see these same trends. Today the gender roles in families are more equal. It is more common to see both mother and fathers in the work field, and children are being looked over by nannies, daycares, or preschools. The responsibilities at home are more equally shared. Today it is not uncommon to see mothers working and fathers being a stay at home parent. The roles can be completely switched. If this were to happen in the 1950’s the family would have been looked at very differently, but today it is more common. Also, the role of children has changed as well. We no longer require them to be little adults, but we allow them to actually be children. In todays time, it is more common to see single parent families, same sex marriages and divorce rates have increased. No fault divorce became legal in 1970. No fault divorce describes divorce where a spouse can ask for a divorce and does not have to prove that the other spouse did anything wrong. Also, the amount of teen pregnancies has increased since then and has become more common. In the 1950s these types of families would have been looked down upon and been criticized in public. Now if we see these families it is more acceptable, and people are more willing to help these types of families be successful. Why have these gender roles in families changes so much since then? Are families better off today then they were sixty years ago? Personally, I think the answer to that question is yes. I think with the roles of parents being more equal the family has a better dynamic. I grew up in a home were my parents split all the home responsibilities. This helped me understand that these responsibilities should be split.





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