Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Like I have said before what I write about is my opinions and I do not expect everyone to agree with me and that ok. Today I want to talk about something that might be a little hard for people to hear but it is just a topic that has been discussed a lot and I would like to give my two cents too. I want to talk about if being apart of the LGBTQ+ community is a choice or not. I grew up and was attracted to men and no one told me I had to like men or women, that is just what happened. I did not have a choice. I have always been attracted to men. I can’t help but think that is the same for people who are apart of the LGBTQ+ community. I was interested and decided to talk to one of my close friends who is lesbian. I asked her to share her story with me. She explained to me that from a young age she knew she was attracted to women. She said it was hard to come to terms with that, because she felt like she was doing something wrong. She grew up in a very Christian home and she knew that she should be looking to find a husband. She continued by saying, “I knew it was wrong, and I tried to like boys, but I just didn’t. I could not fake this anymore. When I told my family, they did not even care and it was amazing, but I feel like I was hiding who I really was for so long.” She was always attracted to women and felt like, liking men was not even an option. If this is the case for every heterosexual person, why would this not be the same for those who are gay or lesbian? If this is the case, why are people still saying this is their choice? I wish there were more research on this topic but there isn’t. Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to these questions. When I was looking up some information on this topic, I saw that many people were saying that being gay or lesbian was a genetic problem. Others were comparing it to alcoholism. However, I did find some information from a study that was published in 1991 and it focused on the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus controls the release of sex hormones from the pituitary glands. They found that the hypothalamus of gay men differs from the hypothalamus in straight men. They found that the hypothalamus in was twice as large in heterosexual men as in homosexual men. The homosexual men involved in this study were believed to have died from AIDS, so they are unsure if that could have been a cause as well. Another study done in 2001 showed that HIV does not change the hypothalamus. I understand this is one study but to me this just further shows that being gay or lesbian is not a choice. I was also reading that people are more likely to be apart of the LGBTQ+ community if it is more accepted in their own community. I think this has some truth to it. I think if those around you support the LGBTQ+ community and you are someone who is attracted to the opposite gender then you would be more likely to come out where as if you lived in a community that wasn’t very supportive you may never come out or it may take longer for you to do so. I do not think it is a choice to be attracted to who you are attracted to. I do really wish there were more research on this topic. I feel like if there was more information about this then it would support the LGBTQ+ community and more people would accept them for who they are.


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