What a woman wants


Hello and welcome back to my blog. I want to talk about something today that some people may agree with by others might not and either way is fine. These are my opinions and I never expect everyone to believe what I do. I want to talk about the roles of mothers. I know some people believe that a mother should stay at home with the children and her main role is to be a homemaker. I know many young women who this is a goal for them. They want nothing more then to be a wife and a stay at home mother. However, I know a lot of young women who have the motivation to go to school and to have a career and still be a mother. I also know a lot of young women who don’t want children at all. I think each three of these are perfectly acceptable. I think every woman should have the opportunity to choose that for herself. I personally would love to be a wife and a mother and still have a career. This past summer I was home from collage due to COVID-19. My aunt and her husband are considered essential workers. They have four children and they needed someone to watch them while they were at work. Because I was home and could use the extra money, I agreed to watch them. The children’s ages range from 11-2 years old. I would watch the children from 8:30am-5:30pm. I felt like I was a stay a home mother. I love the children, but I decided that in that moment I did not want to be a stay a home mom. I knew that this is not what I wanted. Growing up my mother worked full time. She would leave in the morning around the same time we would for school, and she would get home close to 5:30pm. My dad also worked full time. He would leave early in the morning and get home closer to 3:00pm. There were times when I would go to my friend’s house and they had stay at home moms and I would sometimes wish my mom would have been a stay at home mom too. I knew my mom’s job was important though and both of my parents have taught me so much just by their work ethic. I was taking a parenting class a few years ago at Brigham Young University-Idaho and we were talking about the roles of a mother. We had this same conversation and there are studies about this. The studies should that mothers who worked outside of the home, had a better relationship with their children, then mothers who stayed home. I think this would be true for me if I had children. Some people may try to argue with me on this because I don’t have any children of my own so I don’t know what it would be like to leave them but right now this is how I am feeling. I think I would have a better connection with my children if I did work outside of the house. I think I would have more patience for them, and I would want to be around them more. My ideal schedule would be to work when the children are at school and then get off work when they get home so that I don’t need any babysitters for them. I think every woman should be able to choose what lifestyle she wants for herself. Personally, I can see how there can be pros and cons to both working outside the home and being a stay at home parent. I also think that there can be pros and cons for the children as well. Again, I think this decision should be left to the parents.


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